Final Fantasy Reviews
/ 10
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/ 10
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I grew up playing the original Final Fantasy on the NES back in the 80s.  It's the first game that really got me into gaming, so it's hard to make an unbiased review.  I have so much nostalgia for it.  To me playing this game is like Mom's home cooking.  It's good regardless of it's flaws.  

Does it have a convoluted story?  Yes.  Is it obtuse in certain areas if you haven't played it before and don't have a guide? Yes.  Is the encounter rate WAY to high?  Yes, for sure. But I've played this game about 7-8 times now and I have a good time every time I pick it up.  Thankfully, the pixel remaster adds a lot of quality of life features that improves the experience over earlier versions including: autosaves between dungeon floors, customizable experience and money boosts and the ability to turn off random encounters.  

If you haven't played it, give it a go.  Its a fun time and a nice 15 hour platinum.

My Rating: 7 / 10
My Difficulty Rating: 2 / 10
My Completion Length Estimate: 15 Hours
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